Ruiz Response to Health Care Ruling


By: Joe Ruiz
By: Joe Ruiz
Date: June 29, 2012

Joe Ruiz, Libertarian Candidate for Indiana's 2nd Congressional District had this to say about today's landmark ruling:

"I'm very disappointed by the direction that the Supreme Court chose to go regarding President Obama's Affordable Healthcare Act. Chief Justice John Roberts described it as a tax:

'If an individual does not maintain health insurance, the only consiquence is that he must make an additional payment to the IRS when he pays his taxes,' Roberts writes. He adds that this means, 'The mandate is not a legal command to buy insurance just another thing the Govenment taxes, like buying gasoline or earning an income.'

And I would say that's more than enough reason to disagree. An additional tax on Real People is the last thing we need. Also, a tax is a mandate -- decause you have to pay it. Just because you can manipulate the wording to make it appear legal does not mean that it is in the best interest of the people. What is legal and what is right are often very different.

This decisision provides more power to our leaders -- which in turn takes away power from everyday Americans like us. We should be imboldened by this. We should get loud. We should demand that we be able to govern our own wallets and our own self interests. Finally, this should be one of many reasons to vote for a Pro Liberty Candidate this fall.

I will fight for you in Congress against those that would ask you to surrender your freedom for their own political endeavors. If the government is big enough to give you everything you want, it is also big enough to take everything you have, I say simplify government now.

We deserve so much better from our leaders. That's why I'm stepping up and running, on behalf of all of us." -- Joe

Media Director and Campaign Spokesman Daniel Van Doren also went on to say the following in a video address:

"The days of our rights and Liberties being trampled exclusively in the name of national security are now at an end. We have finally come to a point in our history that it is now considered legally acceptable in all branches of government, for the state to regulate personal choice and behavior. With the toppling of the wall between society and state, there is no longer anything under the protection of our Founding Documents. Because without enforcement, they truly are nothing but pieces of 250 year old scrap paper.

Democrats have unwittingly opened themselves up, allong with those they claim to represent, for a wave of persecution beyond any comprehension. As soon as Republicans regain any power in Washington, the might and reach of the pendulum of political strength will be in full swing. And this time, the possibilities are endless. If we are now able to demand a certain behavior in the name of health, what's to stop a Romney White House from enacting anto-gay legislation in hopes to stop the spread of AIDs? or demand contributions to your local church, to cure the problem of gang violence? Republican and Democrats alike will use today's newly found power as an ever abounding fountain of inspiration for ideas on to best regulate your life and actions. Or in this case, inactions. We will all live to see the day when every man, woman and child, regardless of party, will suffer from this egregious, criminal affront to liberty.

The only possible solution is an end to the 2 party system, and the introduction of a new, third choice. 'A real Choice, for Real People.'"
